Sunday, December 20, 2015

Dear Soul-Lights,

As this season comes to an end, I'm thankful for the time of darkness and look forward to the beginning of a new cycle as December Solstice approaches. From Samhain on the Feminine has gone on an inward quest, a Lunar quest, where She gestated the Inner Light and spiraled inward. By the early morning hours of Tuesday in our Northern Hemisphere, She will symbolically rebirth the Light once again, as She does every year, and the cycle will begin anew. 

I've been working with my own Lunar consciousness - Moon cycles, dreams, shadow, body symbology, Tarot, my Soul's creative expression through writing. And I've worked with two Goddesses - Sulis and Freya - very different energies which I feel created a vital balance.

From Sulis, the Goddess of Healing Springs, I learned to honor my feelings in a deeper way by sensing more how they flow through my body. My body informs my feelings, and my feelings inform my body. When I listen, I am whole. 

From Freya, the Norse Goddess of Love and War, I've learned to acknowledge how these two opposing forces play out in my inner life. They both take skill...and wisdom to know what's required and when...for now. 

I will continue to honor my Lunar consciousness, of course, but I look forward to how it will shift and integrate with the soft winter radiance of Sol. I intend to quest for the Feminine Solar energy as well as the Masculine in ways that are supportive and sustainable for all of Life. I believe the culture of patriarchal ways of being in the world are coming to an the very least within my own psyche. All relationships and experiences that I am involved with will reflect this and I will endeavor to express this truth in hopes of nurturing a transformative process within and without. 

I give thanks to all of you who read my 'chicken scratch'. I say that with affection, as I often feel like a broody hen when I sit down to write. I make a little nest for myself and Emily, my cat usually joins me, which makes it difficult to find a place for the computer as they both want my lap. 

This blog is not about passing on more info, or promoting something, or sharing what someone else has written. It's about participating the act of creation. I see us all creating wholeness and moving together in synch with the most loving intentions. 

Con mucho Amor!
draws from the well

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