Friday, December 11, 2015

Seeking? or Questing?

Dark Moon in Sagittarius

Most people refer to this phase of the Moon as the New Moon. Others, myself included, refer to it as the Dark Moon, the New Moon starting when a sliver of the silvery crescent starts to show. The two phases are different in emphasis as well. The Dark Moon is silent and completely introspective, whereas the New Moon is the symbol for new growth and beginnings. In the dark of the Moon we wait and listen, in the light of the New Moon we awaken with wondrous hope to the unfolding of what is evolving in our lives.

The Archer is aiming the arrow at the star Antares, the heart of the Scorpion. Sagittarius is symbolic of our Quest for Truth and Inspired Vision from which to take action. It's interesting that The Archer is Questing for the heart of Scorpio and it could be interpreted as intent on pinning it down, as it were. If there's a sense of seeking for absolute truth behind this Quest, it can lead us towards a Shadow path of fundamentalism should the Quest be deemed complete. This is the 'rose colored glasses' kind of truth, or the 'my truth is whiter than your truth' brand. But the Truth the Archer seeks is more accurately regarding who we are as "Spiritual Beings Having a Human Experience".

Questing takes diligence, commitment, and a passion for perceiving adventure in all aspects of life. Questing is different from seeking. Seeking is trying to find something specific, or petitioning for an answer, or working towards a solution. And until this desire is satisfied, the seeker is melancholy or unhappy. Questing is about exploring and journeying to see what one will find. The Quester finds joy in being curious and asking open ended questions that just may never have a definitive answer. The Quester longs to get to the bottom of the heart's truth, but knows that in reality there is no end, Truth is infinite.

This Dark Moon asks that we quest first in silence for what's in the individual heart as the subjective truth, but continue to quest for that which is Universal in nature, for that Truth which binds us all. While we are alive the Quest is never complete. And we have permission to miss the mark, and start over again and again and again.

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