Monday, Monday
Can't trust that day...
Those words of the old song by the Mamas & the Papas was running through my mind this morning.
I countered the gloom of the song with the fact that Monday is named for the Moon. I bid her come to me and made a place for her.
I followed the moon with my thoughts. I moved with her faces. I felt her essence deep in my spine strengthening me.
The dance of the moon through the night, and through the day, reminds me of how in an instant things can change. How things can appear one way and the next time you look it's different. Or it has disappeared all together.
A full moon can be romantic when you're in love. But to a shapeshifting werewolf, it's frightening. To his victim, even more so...
But changing things don't have to be great big milestones for the perspective to shift. For truth to hit you in the face like a chunk of ice traveling through the night from that cold distant far side.
Even little things can have that huge of an impact...a tiny splinter, the bite of an insect, a drop of hot oil. Your first reaction is always "I should have seen it coming."
But you didn't, and you don't, and life goes on.
The meal I planned for tonight is simmering, bubbling happily and fragrantly. My husband is home early and lighting the fire. In a few minutes, two of my favorite people, the youngest of my children, and their +1's will enter through the kitchen door like wings, or flower petals, or leaves blown in by the wind. I wish for always and forever more and more and more wings, and petals, and leaves to come.
I will love the moment and hold it tenderly because it will not last forever.
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