Thursday, November 19, 2015

'the charge' vacillates

Dearest Friend,

Thank you for your counsel! I am so grateful you've taken the time to look over the contract proposed by Lily Gene. Your point that it appears inequitable and lop-sided is well taken.

The muse insisted on having it drafted by The Grand Wazier's assistant and I was not privy to the conversation because, if you will remember, The Grand Wazier originated from another realm of the imagination, namely Carolyn Casey. I thought I should remind you of this as it is impossible for me to secure access to his Presence, as you suggested, and although Carolyn is always amiable and accommodating, she is extremely busy. Therefore, my attempts to request revision via the assistant would prove to be futile.

Consequently, I am now more determined than ever to seek legal counsel.

Although, I must admit, not everyone is of your opinion, my darling. My artist friend, Judith Parson, is encouraging me to sign. She has had much experience dealing with muses and assures me I have nothing to fear. Apparently her muse has served her well, but I have not yet seen that contract. I must remember to ask her as it should prove to be immensely instructive.

I realize, however, that I've been asking myself the wrong question: Should I or shouldn't I sign?
I sense the answer to that is inevitably a matter of : damned if I do damned if I don't.

If I do, the comfort of my life will be disrupted. As perhaps it should be. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say. And as I am not much for parties and social events, I've come to accept myself as a true but friendly introvert, a quality which I find very conducive to writing.

On the other hand, if I don't I cannot help but think this would send up a red flag at Trememdum Mysterium. A writer demonstrating a penchant for pickiness is not likely to attract the attention of the more erudite muses. I am worried about appearing frumpy as Lily Gene has shown to be quite talented at presenting a wide variety of voguish, if not a bit short-lived, voices. I have to give her that. It's also possible she has come to test my commitment.

But it occurs to me, dear friend, the bottom line I must consider is this: Do I trust the muse??

Oh, changing the subject, the atrium that two days ago was 2/3rd's complete is now 4/5th's. Math is not my forte, as you've frequently pointed out, but shouldn't they be done by now? Hubby had alluded to some other 'minor' things that must be addressed - namely patching a couple of cracks in the ceiling. I had agreed not realizing the prep work it would entail such as removing/covering the entire living room and dining room furniture, for after the patchwork comes the paint and that does require the entire ceiling to be painted not just the areas patched. There were nine men here this morning, inside and outside the house, I want to crawl under the bed with Preciousness and wait till it's over.

Yours always.

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