The Book of Breathings were instructions that Isis left for us to know how She managed to breathe life back into Osiris after Set, his brother, had hacked his body to pieces and scattered them throughout the land.
Ancient Egyptians did not have a concept for Soul as separate from the body. This is why they had their particular burial practices. It has been suggested that the concept of Ba cannot and should not be translated because it is exclusively old Egyptian. Suffice it to say the Ba is the person, their unique power in the world, and it continues beyond this life with the body into the next.
To our modern minds, it may not make sense. But I cannot deny that to my psyche the ancient writings breath a life into me that is like a dream…
Last night I dreamt I was in Egypt.
Inside a tall dwelling of stone blocks, (similar to a pyramid) I have to climb through a opening as narrow as a well via a wall that is a book shelf full of books. When I get to the top I must leap across to an opening that leads to a room. Once there I have a 360 degree view of the surrounding country side.
I then see a small sarcophagus that holds an amulet representing my Ba (similar to soul, see below). The amulet is in a separate drawer and it’s for my eyes only and it is in good condition. In another sarcophagus is the Ba of the previous ruler. His amulet has deteriorated which means his rule is done.
I walk out into the crowds of people who are not sure if they will accept me. But when they see me they see the light of my Ba and all is well.
The dream is part of my Book of Breathings. Every night we have this amazing opportunity to see what the Divine is writing for us. This dream gives me instructions on how to live with disappointment, or betrayal where parts of life are ruptured. After a long dangerous climb to the top (dealing with the aftermath of feelings), I can get a wide perspective. It tells me my Ba is well and it’s safe for me to move on and forward. I move towards something new, as compared with moving away from something to avoid dealing with or escaping what’s unpleasant or unhappy.
Paying attention to my dreams sustains the breath of life with forgiveness, grace, and love.
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