Most words seem inadequate in light of the most traumatic events, but we must speak them anyway.
We are often unable to predict or control the erratic, irrational, inhumane behaviors of people overcome by susto. But we can prevent susto from overcoming our own Souls by practicing Resguardo - applying the healing balm of the Mantle of Protection as often as needed.
Dear ones, protection for our Souls is afforded us through the warding off of the signs of susto listed above. It is through doing what is necessary to keep our Souls from falling into the bottomless pit of ineffective attitudes and policies that call for annihilation or destruction of that which is incomprehensible. I unequivocally support the containment of that which threatens to destroy the innocent, but at the same we must recognize and contain within ourselves that which is not in service to Love. If justice deems death is warranted, if it is determined that Souls would benefit by depriving them of their corporeal humanity, I pray, without judgment and with a heart full of compassion, for Mercy and Grace for us all, for this is the kind of justice the violent practice.

Acts of terrorism are despicable. And so are many other acts that occur on a daily basis. People who resort to violence of any kind violate the Sacred Vow of Souls - to treat others as you would have others treat you. They exhibit an uncanny ability to target with precise accuracy anyone who is susceptible to susto and prey on this estrangement with furious relish. I urge those of us who are on the fence about how to deal with such heinous acts to first seek Resguardo for your own Soul.
Healing is imminent.
In the words of my teacher don Oscar Miro Quesada: "We are the Mantle of Protection". The more of us who can understand the power of this truth, the wider, the thicker, the more comfort the Mantle can spread over the bent shoulders of the bereft. Today, and everyday, I place my humble offering of Resguardo on the hearth of the broken hearted.
Yes, thank you so much for these words. I have been practicing love for those I "hate". I am letting go of hatred and grudges. I am experiencing growth and growing in wisdom.
ReplyDeleteThank you Querida Hermanita, may your Light always be luminous and may your path be blessed!